Fahad Sheikh
Assalamualaikum. Hey yo gaissss. What's up haha. erm i dont know. i just want to share wif u guys about this article. coz i feel like it's cool nahh i dont know. haha if it's only me. but, i love this article :) seriously haha. I was scroll scroll scroll and scroll my Timeline, then I saw this. and i think it's pretty cool haha. just want to share . hahah see here we go ahah :~

credit : Muhammad Asyraf .

A British man came to Sheikh and asked: Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Sheikh said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said: Of course no, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth. Sheikh replied: Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men. Then the British man asked the Sheikh: Why do your girls cover up their body and hair? The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British: If I ask you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose? The British replied: The covered one. The Sheikh said: That's how we treat and see our woman. Sharing is Loving
Unlike ·  · 

so,.. that' it haha. i dont know why. In my opinion, Islam tu indah. sangat2 indah :') Islam take care of their woman so much. wanita sangat dihargai. and i feel blessed reading this. i dont know what do u guys feel, but i hope u guys can feel like what i'm feel right now :) 

hurmm.. i'm writting a love story. and i think i wanna share it wif u guys. but, it doesnt 100% complete yet haha. so u guys have to wait for it LOL. i hope u guys will enjoy it coz i make it with full of my heart haha. and trying to make it as emo as i can haha. so guys .. have a nice day. ciao. May Allah bless you always :) assalamualaikum. 
Greeting from Alya :D

Hola people . Assalamualaikum :)
hewhew. it has been a long time en i'm not talking here haha. lama x membebel kahkah. when i read my old post back gahhh feel like want to delete ALL of em'. ahha too childish kot haha. so i'm trying to act like i'm M.A.T.U.R.E.D this time. LOL. haha. it cant  be. i just being me. ALYA ILYANI. heheh

sooo wassup guys ? how's life ? i think it has been like a year i didnt post anything huh ? haha sorry. having a hostel life wasnt easy as u think. busy 24/7. eventhough when u're having ur school holidays. i'm not lying. its a fact haha. but this time. i think i need noo i HAVE TOO ..  post smething. haha i want people know bout my story . my 2014 life. and how my 2013 life ends. :)

so let's start again. hello. my name is Alya Ilyani. i'm 17 y/o and i'm a SPM candidates. yay! wish me the best for my exam , of course :) like i told ya before. i'm having a hostel life. where? i had told ya in my 2nd last post haha. i'm  a student at MJSC of Merbok, Kedah. Its MRSM. and i'm in form five. senior years.feeling awesome coz i'm the biggest senior there ? NO . it was a horrible terrible year as a student i think haha. i'm stress. totally stress haha. never felt loike this before. haha. maybe because i'm keep pushing myself for 9A's ofcourse :3 but dangggg my result wasnt like i wish. but nahh i will keep trying and study hard to achieve it :)

soo what u guys wanna know bout me ? hurm nothing special. if i told u my life as a student. it would be a boring post haha. my heart wasnt at that place anymore. idk y . i try to like that place back. still trying. maybe one day . ahah. hurmmmm .. but lemme tell u a lil bit bout MRSM. haa. not a lil bit. mybe a lot haha coz there's nothing else to share wif u guys agagaga.

so the story was like this : 

last year, i manage to adapt my life there. eventhough i'm homesick , but nahh imma big girl haha so i manage to adapt the situation there. wif the people there. they are just nice. i met a lot of people there. differ background, and differ stories. sometimes, they shared their family's history and it's lovely to know that i'm lucky to have a famili like this. i'm so grateful. in MRSM, you only lived with ur fghends TWENTY FOUR HOURS.sooo they're ur famili, they're ur siblings, they're ur fghends, they'r ur motivater and sometimes somehow they can be ur enemies. but i dont want them to be my enemies. horror. haha. anyway, i love my fghends there. they r nice, sweet and lovely.  eventhough sometimes they're annoying haha but that makes me love them more. k dah . kang kembang guwa puji depa haha. so my routine as a student, as form 5 students was like this. i will wake up from my beauty nap (which is only 2- 3 hours only) at 5.45 am or sometimes at 6 am haha. and the gate will close at 6.15 am haha awesome me hahah. then, i'll go to the surau to perform my subuh :) then having a breakfast. the girls already be by my side from the dawn. so, we taking our breakfast together. sitting at a table. only 5 or 6 of us. (me, jie, najwos,amil,yasmin,ziqah). amil said we looks like diva. LOL. not at all. :p hahah! k its depends on people la nk pggil kami apa janji kami bahagia haha. then, ada roll call. 30 minutes berdiri dgr nasihat kasih syg dri guru2 :') haha. it's motivated me sometimes aha. then, naik kelas. from 7.40 am - 2.20 pm kitaorang duk dalam kelas, lab, library or mana2 je gedung ilmu. 

        "KRINGGGGGGG~!!" the school ends at 2.20 pm anddddd kami membawa perut yg kosong ke DS (dewan selera). we have our lunch there and perform zuhur then at 3.00 pm we have to go to the prep. or maybe PGG . PGG is kinda like a tuition. hurmm yeah a tuition. kelas tambahan.  then blablablablabla. it's 4.30 pm and yeahhh hostel. katil ! haha. kadang2 penat sgt. i will get my sleep orrr x, mandi, sembang. haha i should riadah act. but nah girls ~ too lazy to riadah haha. ITS NORMAL okay :3 haha. then, kena kosongkan asrama kul 7.10 pm. and heading to the surau. Maghrib and Isya' wajib jemaah. so, all the students will gather there until 9pm. at 9, we'll having our prep or form 5 will have their PGG session. only at 11 pm we'r allowed to go back to our hostel :) so, during this time, students usually do their homeworks, revisions or maybe walk around the BA (blok akademik) ahaha that was not me coz alya is too lazy to walking and moving. hoyeah that's why i'm FAT. lol. k it's 11 PM !! yeahh .. i will buy some food at the cafe sometimes and go back at my room. anddddddd sleep ? no ~ sembang2. gosip2, study3, buat hw sometimes, then usually i will sleep at 2 am. paling awal pun 1.30 am. disebabkan hw. or kadang2 study. sbb rasa mcm x ckup je study lgi ahah. itulah rutin harian as a student in mrsm. nothing special pun kan ? only timetable yg sgt pack. oh during weekends? lebih kurang je :) 

           i seriously can adapt my school, but lately there's something happen which i cant tell ya. thats makes me kinda dont like the school. not everything. just part of it. i'm tired of being scolded, and the rules. i cant bring my phone there anymore. sad. i cant call my mom. sad. i cant even keep in touch with le old fghends. sad. i'm not exposed to what happening outside my school. sad. i'm closed minded -to- be. damn sad . hollllyeah. haha. but whatever it is. its my school. and i have to live there for like emm 5 months lagi ? haha dont worry, alya is a big girl. she will try to love the school back. i want to love the school back. like seriously :) haha . love story ? hahahah. it's not the time yet to tell u guys :p haha ! no it wasnt like that. i dont have any love story to share about :D haha. but i had this one crush :) that's all. tknak crita lebih2. normal lah. everyone ada crush kan. yg pempuan mesti suka laki. yg laki mesti suka pempuan en. if not. we called them lesbian or gay lah kan ? haha. so, TAKDA YANG PELIK if laki dan perempuan suka sama suka. YANG PELIK DAN MERISAUKAN is when pempuan tu x suka mana2 laki. and the worst part is, she likes her. LOL. x nak. scary, creepy, horror gah ! haha. 

   sooo hurmm what more do u wanna know ? ahah.  my goal is to get straight A. beside 3.5 and above. yeah. eventhough i never achieved it yet but i will achieved it one day. that's my promise to myself :) whatever it is, pray for me. wish me all the best . May God bless u, people :) I'm Merbokians and i'm kinda proud to be one of em' coz there are to many challenges there but Alhamdulillah i'm not crazy yet ahah. 

so, gaissss.. i think i should end here. ada kesempatan, kita ketemu lagi haha. if tak, then seee you emm cant promise you bila haha. btw, comel tak new template ni? ahha i change it all. coz i'm bored to see the same template for 2 years hahah. and it's an old template. bhaha. so chaw :) adios.

alya and kpop ? :D

okayyyyyyy nampak tu ? kenal x ? hahaha ! it's BTOB !!!!
yaaa hahahah ! okay saya masih lagi gilakan mereka >< hahaha ! ilhoon !! ahhaha okay.. i think dulu alya ad promise nk story kat korg en mcm mana alya bole 'terjerumus' dgn dunia kpop ni kan ? hahah ! yeah.. saya nk tepati jnji saya skrg :)

oh ya .. the tittle is about me n kpop ah ? hahah okay then.. haha..
okay. mula2 saya thu wujudnya dunia kpop ni  ketika saya berumur emm i think form 1 ? yeah hujung thun form 1 ahha! first2 aku sendiri boo boo dgn kpop world ni. why ? ntah mybe tpagruh jugk kot. org dok kata korean star ni pondan, gay. what so eva. so i pun  believe it. but itu hanya pndgn pertam ahaha!

msuk form 2, still igt lgi time tu emm lgu sorry2 by suju tgh pemes. and time tu x mint lgi . bru nk knl suju. then alya ad pegi stu bday party kwn lma alya. and adalah sorang mamat ni. fon dia ad byk jugk la lgu korea. erk jap2 fon dia ke fon kakak kembar dia tah. so at that moment, i watch the bad girl-beast mv. hahah! awesome. and trus terminat kat yoeseob. and ada sorg girl ni plak pemint kpop gak and i take her fon and bluetooth lgu super girl-suju. sedap lah jugk lgu tu . till now i still like the song eventough i'm not an ELF. okay di sini saya nak menekankan. kalau kita minat lgu tu, it doesnt mean kita minat artis or grup dia jugak. minat mungkin minat sikit , tk byk. so dlm diri setiap org msti ad stu bnda yg dia pling minat. like me. btob. but i still like suju songs, beast song.. bigbang song.. and bla3..

okay back to the story, okay kalau nk thu alya boleh teraddict dgn kpop ni pun sbb mamat td tu. i start to chating dgn dia kat fb n dia slalu gak la crita psl kpop2 ni haha! but em ckp psl movie. not lagu. we always share about BOF. haha! alya time tu x tgk lg story dia but i love lagu2 dlm cita tu. so i ask him to download lagu2 dlm tu sbb haha wktu tu jahil lagi dlm dunia komputer --'

then, alya start suka lagu2 korea ni when hujung thun form 2,.. kawan alya ah. ntah mcm mna tah alya boleh minat . suddenly for sure -_- tp group prtama yg alya minat was BEAST :)

this is bad girl album cover , i guess XD

but they're totally change now. i mean cra dorg much mature. :) more handsome haha! antara lagu beast yg alya minat is bad girl, shocked, ahhaha act byk ! i think semua . now pun mint lgi lgu dorg. and their latest song is beautiful night :) sedap ^^ and this is their cover album. dalam erti kata lain, their new look :) 

okay lps beast,, em alya minat bigbang jap. lepastu alya minat ukiss. haha! i start to love ukiss sebab lagu 0330. and lagi sukakan mereka lps dorg release neverland ^^ so inilah mereka :

and.. haha dlm ni sya minat kevin. then minat eli haha! sesungguhnya susah utk setia pd seorang ahhaa..
but idk why, i start to ignore tis group slowly. pity them . pdahal lagu dorg agak best lah. ya i do love tik tok, forbidden love, byk lagi.. maybe sebab hati alya tertarik semula pada BIGBANG. ahha! 
i start to like bigbang bila dgr lagu beautiful hangover. and i know gd sgt attractive LOL ! and , sya suka lagu haru2 ;') mv mereka .. haha.. sedih yg amat. i cried watch their mv, u know :') 
and i start to love them back afta ukiss when they do their comeback, which is Alive ^^ hoooo kalau korg tgk yg kat inkigayo tu haha! cara mereka comeback, pergh ! awesome ! that's why i love them. they'r so unique ! dorg bole turun dri ats.. ahha xthu nk describe mcm mna. u got to watch it urself and feel it LOL !
so, saya dh sememangnya pemint gd.. ahah! so,, dulu sya mmg kipas susah mati bigbang. i'm a vip dulu. truly vip. but now, dh kurang sikit dgn vip. i just focus with melody family ahhaa! itupun x terfocus. asik ketinggalan sbb duk asrama :'<

and i know dlm byk2 group korea, Big Bang lah stu2 nya group yg mcm legend. yes. they're so famous. even yg x mint kpop pn kdg2 ad yg mint lgu mereka ? y ? like i state before, they're unique and their song was perghhh ! awesome !! ahha! *haish ni aku duk taip2 ni, tiba2 rasa nk mint kat BB balik .hey alys stop aha!*

every album cover BB ni x yah ckp lah. semuanya style2 n gempak2. yaaa dont believe it ? nah i'll put it .. but skit je ah. nk byk, encik google sedia menunggu :) 

nampak x pebezaan nya ? every album mereka pasti ad yg berubah. the last one is the latest one. and bawah ni is their leader, kwon ji yong a.k.a gdragon :) and oh he's live in malaysia rite now ahha! skrg ke akn dtg .. kalau akn dtg pn just around the corner lah ahha! well alya bru dpt mesej dri celcom smlm ahah! and my mom already know who's gd is haha! u know, when she received the text, she read it loudly and say to me . "kakak, gd in msia ? bukan ke gd ni kpop yg kamu minat tu?" haha! yes mama yes ! ahhaha! 
okay, i think one of the factor BB unique becoz their leader is so unique. and that was his impian.. dia nk jdi lain dripd yg lain . ceh ceh. thu je i kan? ofc lah ! haha! i ex dia hahahha XD. just tgk la. first picta, he's in beautiful hangover, 2nd picta in blue and da last one in fantastic baby . ahha! rumpai laut style. semua org try tiru style dia ni. cool huh ? ^^

okay.. habis crita bigbang.. now let's move on to my favourite group. BTOB forever ! ahhahaha! start minat btob ni since their first debut. ahha! tu yg syg sgt tu. i'm one of the fans yg mint mereka since their debut. mcm yg group2 ats td suma nya lama2 dh.. and btob ni fresh lgi hahah! XD
mula minat bila tgk inkigayo lagu emm insane ^^ fuhhh ilhoon time tu ahhahah! i'm melting like an ice cream hahaha! okay since btob is special for me.. ahha! sya nk truk picta mereka byk2 ah ahhah..  sorry guys.. i'm too crazy with them ahha

first time mereka debut. and i start to love em' :) 
tahukan mana satu my ilhoon ? ahha! 

their 2nd album , WOW ! :D
seriously , i still remember i'm like a crazy girl watch their performance at Inkigayo with Mai n Milo XD

haha! tgh2 cri gmbr BTOB, i found tis ! look who i foound? haha! tuu the cute guy one =3

okay.. tis is their latest album. haha! 2nd confession :) there's 2 different MV. but i like both of them. haha! 
cute >< see my ilhoon? handsome? differ rite ? and all the member had change their style (Y)

HAHAH! okay, that's BTOB. now i want to share wif u guys, my only one boyfie hakhak.. lemme introduce him first haha! but please take note. dont steal him from me ! haha XD

His name is Jung Ilhoon . 
04 October 1994 ^^ ahha~  sweet. i was born on 4 December LOL ! 
and ya. he has an elder sister, Joo.. she's a artist too. aha! muka dorg ni mcm fotokopi je  -.-
and haha! tis is my favourite part. his favourite colour is black. so do i ! hahahah! sweet kan kami ? LOL ! 
and he's a main rapper and sub-vocal in BTOB ^^ haha! see that. main rapper. haha ! cool guy ><

so tis is him :) my nampyeon ahahha! 

and there's a few scene when they perform that i cant forgot it. haha! here we go ~

hahaha! Ilhoonaaaa ! ahah ! i will remember this scene forever =3
eh eh. dont misunderstand first ! lemme tell u :) this scene is when they perform lagu i only know love. haha! better u watch the mv lah. then u'll know the whole story ahha! but it's not like u think. it's not a negative thing , ok? :) my ilhoon still waras haha! okay i'll give u the mv here :) selamat menonton .
and lastly, i dont know why but i think this picta is so cute , man ! ahha! cute, sweet and ermm i wish i was at sungjae place haha!

okay. i end up my post here. it's already 3 o'clock and i didnt have my lucnh yet ahha! sibuk mengupdate psl kpop. perutku tak dijaga hahah! okay guys,.. see u soon. i wish i can spent lot of my time with tis blog during this school holiday. haha! xoxo .. bye2~ and yahh.. see the mv okay ? haha! so u wont misunderstand what my ilhoon and hyunsik do. -.- Assalamualaikum :) 

HAHAH ! Guys, the scene i told u is at 01:53. haha! u beeter watch it. it's kinda funny.

BYE-BYE !!~~

sorry and hostel life ?
hai semua :) yaa i know i know.. dah lama sgt since my last post huh ? yeah :) wanna know why ?
hurm.. i'm now having hostel life. ya it's has been um bout 3 months.. where ? haha ! MRSM in Merbok .
tahukan where's merbok ? yeah it's in Kedah. haha utara sana hoi haha!

sorry for not telling u and make u guys keep waiting for my post ahah! seriously mmg xd msa langsung. well just imagine, dad tell me the news and i only have 5 days to prepare myself and pack my things. naahh buy that thing, this thing, those thing. 5 days isnt enough act . but what to do. they just give 5 days. i doesnt have much time to spent my last day with my bestie ><

yes ! mula2 bila thu dpt msuk asrama tu , haha! sumpah saya xnak pegi. saya dh ckp kat mama, i dont want to go. i want to stay here. but what can i do .. mama nk sgt saya msuk asrama. kata beliau, she want me to feel mcm mna duk asrama. susah sng duduk di asrama. well sng crita. she want me to be a tough girl. haha! but you know kedah n kl is ahah! jauh !! for me jauh lah -.- okay mama challenge accepted hahaha ! XD

alya pegi sna dftr 12.03 . still remember the date -.- mestilah ! tarikh keramat tu LOL XD
then, alya dftr lewat shri sbnrnya . adalah emergency haha. then bila alya dftr tu so alya sorg2 je lah budk bru hri tu. sbb smlm budk2 bru dh msuk. alya second intake. then, afta daftar mama antar alya pegi hostel.
my room. no, my new 'home' actually --' haha! now i know yg alya sbnrnya seorang yg manja -_-

cry cry cry ahha..
yelah mana x nya.. kna bpisah dgn mama tersayang. sapa x sedih . lagi2 sya ni anak yg manja. okay sya x malu utk mengakuinya sbb mmg btul pun. now i know saya ni anak manja :)
so bila pelajar2 semua dh abes sesi persekolahan, mereka pn msuk ke bilik msing2 and tgur sya hahaha!
i'm tottally differ -.- i think i'm no longer the old alya . i mean i'm not like alya in btp ! haha.. rasa diri ni lemah ahhaha.. why ? sbb i feel kinda lonely. i miss my friend so much at that moment. i miss amaal, miss yaya, miss milo, miss jj, miss aien. miss mai, miss everyone, miss encik N ? hahaha! adalah jugk rindu dia XD

okay2.. luckily i can bring my fon there ahha! but i change my fon. pkai fon cokia je haha! my xperia kna tinggl di rumah. tsktsk :'(
xpelah.. janji bole call dan sms. dan mencukupi cehceh. haha! okay. first day kat sna. esoknya tu. okay my 'malam pertama' di mrsm haha! xde apa pun. penat sgt. so tidur lena -.- lena lah penat menangis haha!

bgn pagi tu ahha! hamek kau pukul 5 pagi i bgn u. haha! seumur hidup x pena bgn se'awal' ni pegi sek ahah! kat sini bgn kul 6.30 itu normal ~ hahah! so, bgn tu haha.. tnds idok le penuh sprti yg kalian dgr tu. xd pun rebut2 tnds sgt ahha. well mybe kita stu floor stu batch, . form 4 stu ars je. x cmpur dgn form lain. luckily :)

but semua senior sini okay je.. xd lgi dgr kes buli haha! but laki adlah kot. kowtttt.. -.-
so, lps dh mndi suma2 tu alya pun bsiap pegi kelas. hurm the rule is 6.15 petang kna kosongkan asrama. for girls ! but not for boys., boys bole kuar asrama kul 7.10 ahha.. nmpak tk keadilan nya di situ ? wateva haha. mybe sbb thu pompuan ni kalau siap lmbt, so kalau bgi kuar kul 7.10 jugk, lmbt. eh slh2.. laki.. laki dorg ni special sikit.. x apalah ;)

so pgi tu msuk kelas haha! i cant focus stu apa pun! serius ! lemme tell u something. spenjg sya hidup sya x penah lgi lah tidur dlm kelas. ok tipu pena 2 kali kot itupun tido time cikgu xd. but when i'm here haha! i dont care nymore. in front of the teacher pun alya tido. ngantok yg amat n i cant focus anyhing ><  i dont know what happen to me. thats why i said, i'm not the old alya. and for sure mulut sya x semurai dulu -.- dan sya x pndai bergaul sgt bila di sini. xpndai nk bt joke dgn org. knpa? sbb tkut mereka kecil hati, ye sya pya joke kadg2 kan keterlaluan --'

and. balik2 tu saya nangis mcm org gila dkt mama hahah! sya mintak mama amek alya. i dont want to school here nymore haha! and yah thats true. the feeling msih lg terasa hingga skrg. ntahlah knpa. nk adapt suasana di sana xlah sush. okay je. tp mcm ni ha. bila dh blik uma. nk blik ke mktab semual tu alahai liatnya. --'

okay smpai di sini shja. i dont want to share nymore >< bila igt blik, sakitnya tu dtg blik. sorry sgt :')
but i wanna state here, hidup di asrama mungkin seronok bgi sesetgh org dan mungkin x bg sstgh org yg mcm sya. HOMESICK. yes homesick,.

so the conclusion is, kalau diberikan pilihn utk stay di asrama or duduk di rumah . ahha i swear i will choose home lah. org gila je pilih asrama kot? eh ada je yg pilih asrama dri rumah. mybe dorg x mcm sya. i'm too close with le family. okay nevermind.

orait guys. i miss my familya nd i miss my friends too !! miss em so much !! NURHIDAYAH, AMAAL, HUMAIRAH, SYAAMILA, NAJIAH, SYAZREEN.

apa pun , again,... i'm really really sorry for not update tis blog for a long time. bukn x nk update , msa tu xd.. time cuti pun x semapt. i got so many homeworksssss --' inipun ad jugk but Alhamdulillah x sbyk yg dulu. erk i guess --' haha! and haha i nk share ini.. my school sgt canggih. homework dberi online.. haha! okay.. now alya bru je dpt tugasan bru from unit bm. i have to make a folio and dlm folio tu msti ad semua yg bkenaan dgn novel yg kmi kaji which is azfa hanani anddddd harga remaja.


Ting Tong
hey people! Assalamualaikum :)
how r u? i'm fine, thank you ~
x sehat ? pegi telan panadol cepat~

okay.. korang mute ke tak volume korang sekrg ? O.o
Kalau x mute, can u hear the new song yg alya ltk ^^ heheh.. dapat cam tk lagu ni? :)
wikikiki.. semua ni piano version. ekceli, lagu2 ni semuanya korean song , but i take yg piano ver sbb kalau alya ltk yg ad suara punya, konfem kpop haters meluat nk dgr :3
tapi kalau alya rsa alya nk ltk pun, sukahatilah hahah! tak suka, jgn dgr. mute okay? :)

the first song is I Only Know Love by BTOB ^^
also known as Lover Boy.. me myself pun pelik apesal lah ada 2 nama.. padahal kalau kita bca subtittle dia pun, they only say the word 'i only know love'.. heee curious~ takpe2.. yg penting, suara dan lagunya sama sahaja :D

the second song is not from BTOB.. but senior BTOB.. hahahha! BEAST ^^
depa ni dari entertainment yg sma~ CUBE ENT ^_^
well, lagu ni agak pemes even bukan di kalangan kpopers pun. FICTION.. sapa yg reti buat trian dia? gimmee ten! hahaha! penguin ^^ hehehe.

okay da next song..
BTOB back again,
BTOB changes the game,
BTOB get ur swag .

nenenenenne. hahahha! it's WOW! heheh.. bukan wow yg cita upik abu tu . bukan bukan -,- ini wow dari btob mahhh hahaha! 
nice tak? to my dear melodies, kalau nak download lagu ni... mahu save yg version ni, then here we go..I Only Know Love , WOW , Fiction ^^

okay. entah kenapa saya rasa post ni mcm agak 'merepek' sedikit.. hahah! malam2 macam ni, saya lapar. bila saya lapar.. otak saya ting tong sikit -,- so sorry lah ahhaha!

hurmmmm korang korang.. i think the next post, i wanna post about me. ^^ about me and kpop ~
hahahahah! i'll share my story wif u guys, detail ! so, nk tahu.. wait ya! hahah! yg x minat kpop tu, emm better x yah bca la yg next post ni. tkot nti korg blank hahaha! 

besok sekolah.. saya rasa saya x lepas lah nk taip pnjg2 tonite hahah! saya nk tulis . tp sya x lrt.. dan saya dh mula merepek. korg buang masa je bca post kli ni hahahha! 

okay bye then~ tata. Assalamualaikum

p/s : baca post saya yg lepas ni pya ya ^_^ KPOP YOOOO !!  

and oh ya.. saya bru tgk sikit yg GDA haritu haha! x lepas lagi nk tgk smpai habis. ad je hlgn.. and i oledi watch infinte only T_T and,,.. hati saya tercuit dgn kecomelan muka Myungsoo -,- 
myungsoo nampyeon kawan guwa.. so guwa x smpai hati nk curik.. aku pn biarkn perasaan aku ni.. saya kena kuat ! haha! pity to my Ilhoon if saya curang dgn dia :< 
Ilhoon shii,.. no worries . i still love you :*

hahahahha! okay bye kalian :) sweet dream. sleep tight. see you again .. 

Happy Birthday to Atin too ^^

saengil chuka ~ saengil chuka ~~ alalalal ~ hahaha!

okay, seems like today ad 2 org kwn saya punya birthday. yg td tu, si amaal yg gila2 haha! singkarang, fatin hamimi ^^

emm act kalau nk crita zaman perkenaln ktaorg. phew~ terlmpau byk sbb ktaorg knl since standard 4 lagi -_-
i quite close to her  , dulu. then year 5 ktaorg berpish sbb alya pindh sek. and then year 6 alya pindh smula ke sekolah lma alya tu, and x brp rpt sgt dgn dia sbb dh len2 klas :3

tp form 1 ktaorg sma sek dn sma klas haha! so, hubungn kitaorg btmbh lebih rpt bila Mai dtg join kami skali ^^
but, entah knapa in form 2 aku dan mai x brpa rpt. ak rasa ak igt kot sbb aku dn mai kurang rpt masa form 2. bukan gadoh, cuma ktaorg trpksa separate sbb emm sbb someone yg nk rebut mai :3
eeehh apani ? x mau la ungkit kish lama. dh la rindu kat mai ni >< lgi rsa nk nanges ><

so form 2, saya x kesah kena jaoh skit dgn mai sbb saya taw, Fatin ad utk protect dia.
well u know mai~ haha! dulu dia mcm kena di'protect' haha! dulu ah time form 1 and form 2 dulu.. sbb dia mcm baby2 sikit prgai dia hahahah! so saya rsa sya yg agak em mcm kasar ni kena protect dia haha! tp sejk form 3, mai change a little bit. dia dh matang hahah! dia pula yg protect saya :3

haha! okeh, so tis year atin n mai pindh ke smk tmn desa :<
they left me alone here -_- milo ada, tapi milo dh x berapa gila dgn kpop dan milo x reti lukis anime ahhaha! milo, jgn marah ^_^

so straight to the point, trus trg sya dh pent menaip hahah ! jdi sorry fatin sbb kita buat post awk x brpa pnjg. kalau kita bt pnjg2 nti serius awk x lrt nk bca hahah!

*wahaha! saya ciplak sikit ayat Mai hahahah

- hope fatin happy kat sana dgn Mai.
- Fatin jaga mai elok2 naa kat sana haha! and Mai, jangan buli Fatin je keje :3
-hope you can score smua subjek form 4 and form 5 ^^
- get best result in ur SPM .Amin. sma2lah kita ye syg :)
- and, hope dpt jodoh cepat :p
-hope dpt suami yg macho, hensem, tinggi, pandai, romantik , suka kucing, hahahah! *nti kawen, jgn lupa ajak :p
-hope cita2 awk nk jadi vet, trcapai okay ? ^_^
- and i really hope, our friendship will always treasure well ^^ *Fatin-Alya-Mai- ^^
- tunggu kita kat tmn desa kalau kita pindh sna ya hahahah!

i think that's the only wish haha! hope all the wish tu tercapai, berjaya! AMIN AMIN :D
and oh, x byk yg saya bole share psl atin sbb ktaorg byk sweet memory dr bad memory ahah! sbb ktaorg gelak je keje. tak pena gado rsanya. entah bila fatin pena marah saya.. xd kot rsanya~ betol x mai ? hahah!

and fatin, jadi budk baik. senyum dan happy seperti slalu , arraseo ? ^^
Jawablah!! jawab jawab! x reti nk jawab? jawab ni,, "nae, arraseooo" :D
wahahha! budak anime ckp korea mmg comel :p

okay fatin, goodluck ! saya sayang awak sebab awak sayang saya XD
hahahah ! *asal dgn ak harini? perasan suma org syg aku? ><

that's all. and oh, i want to share wif u guys, Mai ada buat special video for us today ^_^
she make it herself :')

i really appreciate it. and i know fatin pun sgt appreciate bnda ni sbb mai buat utk her birthday juga :)
act, i'm lucky to have you guys in my life, chinguyaa :')

Ya Allah. saya dh tak tahan. bila trigtkn video ni,,. hati ni sedih sgt :'(
terharu pun ada.. sungguh awak sahabt dunia akhirat saya, Nurun Humairah Izzudin :')

okaylah semua,, i end up my speech here yo ! nk berhijrah ke Twitter kejap ^^ tata semua :)
Assalamualaikum .
AMALELE, saengil chuka chinguya! :3

"Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan Amaal Anatasya" ~

eheh, first of all Assalamualaikum readers :)
ni harini cek nak cerita kisah sorg budak perempuan yg slalu jugk la buat aku naik gila :3
so here we go ~ :D

mula masa form 1 en, aku kelas 1RK1, budak ni klas 1RK2. so kitaorg x kenal. maklumlah saya ni budak baik, senyap je ~ ahaks! so, aku mula cam muka dia ni bila kitaorg PJ sma2.. ktaorg combine klas bila wktu PJ. tp spnjg form 1 tu, aku x pena tgur dia dan dia pn x pena tgur aku. act semua budk klas 1RK2 dulu ak x pena tgur. sombongnya aku dulu >< okay biarlah sejarah hanya tinggl knangan~ sekarg aku dh x sombong ~ hahahah!

masuk form 2, ktaorg still in the differ class but we still share cikgu PJ ^^ tak tgur jugak ~ hahah! ha, masa form 2, aku rapat dengan geng Sabrina.. aku rpt dgn Daia la espically.. si daia ni plak rapt dgn Amalele~
then, pada tahun 2011, saya baru meng'create' akaun pesbuk~ ahahah! pun lembab nk create acc hahah! sememangnya Alya ni seorg yg agk ketinggln zaman -_- so, bila aku dh buat pesbuk, aku pn sebok mncri teman2 yg aku knl. dan ada la one day ni. aku igt lagi eh ^_^ daia dgn amaal ni dok balas2 komen psl kpop x silap aku. pastu aku msa form 2 aku dh terjangkiti penyakit kpop so aku pun mencelah la perbualan mereka.. nmpknya Amaal Anatasya seorg yg gila2.. <-- that's my first opinion bout her -,- *bangga ah tu?

then, aku pn tnpa segan silu tkn punat ADD FRIEND, dan amaal yg baik hati pun APPROVE saya :)
Amaal, igt lgi x tarikh kita mula jd friends di pesbuk ? iye awk x igt, sya thu tu :")
ni ha trikhnyaaaaaaaa..

ha igt ? hahah 17 January 2011 -,- tapi en, seriously dulu kau sombong doh mal ngn aku :(
hahahah ! aku try2 nk tgur amaal en dulu, tp dia wat dunno je. okay pena la dlm alam realiti dia smbg dgn daia.. aku syum2 je, segan aih nk tgur dia n dia pn mcm pndg sebelah mata je ak ni en . k takpe ah . dulu aku mmg lonely pun. daia je teman aku kemana2. haha! kalau daia baca ni sah koyak kain batik dia -,-

then, tiba2 Allah jodohkan aku dan Amaal pada tahu 2012. tahun kami mnjadi calon PMR 2012 -,-
eh eh before tu, adelah dkt2 hujug thun msa form 2 tu, amaal dgn ak tgur2 sikit kat pesbuk. ckp psl exam, ckp psl result. and then ak plak tgk time tu amaal kemain lagi post mcm2 bnda funny kat pesbuk. ak pn tkn like byk2 kali sbb post2 dia best :3

so masa form 3 tu, aku dpt thu ak sma klas dgn amaal, amaal pn ttba inbox aku,
"alya, kita nk duk sblh awk eh time sek nti"
woot woot ! hahah happy weh. tgur gitu2 je kat sek, tgur skit je kat pesbuk, ttba nk duk sblh kta haahha ! nmpk sgt sya ni mudh bergaul kan? anda smua senang kan berkwan dgn sya ? TAHNIAH buat diri sndiri kerana berjaya menjadi kwn sya :)

okey back to the story, aku ni baik orgnya.. so aku pn kata okay je :) sbb aku mmg tkde kwn pun bila ak dh bpisah dgn daia tersyg :')
first day school 2012, well amaal dh jdi pengganas sekolah  pengawas sekolah en.. so dia x bratur. dia jga blkg brisan so aku hya nmpk Ijan, Putri, dan Jia je time tu.. serious ak tk rpt dgn smua org yg ada dlm 3A1 dlm tu.. sbb ak x thu yg Mai sekelas dgn aku :3 ahhah! i thought dia still klas RK. same goes with Milo..
so aku pun duk la berbaris sorg2 mcm forever alone. pndg kiri, ak nmpk Daia lambai2 kat aku. sebak gila aku time tu. jujur saya akui. air mata saya nyaris tak tumpah waktu tu. hya bertakung je. *coverlah en.. sedih ! dh la bratur kat blkg skali sbb dtg lmbt skit -,- nthen, stu ucapan cikgu seha ngn pengetua, sikit pun ak x dgr sbb hati ak sdih sgt bpisah dgn yaya dn memikirkan nasibku yg xd kwn di klas bru :3

aku toleh2 kat blkg,cri Amaal, x nmpk pun -,- bila cikgu suruh bgn msuk klas, ak nmpk milo ^^ ak pn jln dgn dia. tiba2 amaal lintas dpn ak. jalan dgn jia. wat dunno je.. bole pulak dia jalan pegang2 tgn mcm teletubis dgn jia smbil jalan? sedangkan aku kat blkg dia??!! MANA PERGI JANJI2 MU ?!!?- hahaha !

fine, ak pn wat dunno je. mybe dia lupa, ak pn duk sblh milo bila msuk klas ^^ sbb dulu masa form 1 ak pena rpt dgn MILO dan MAI :)
tiba2 mai msuk klas 3A1, dia bru cek list nama :3 okay mai okay.. at least ada jugk kwn yg dh kenal haha.
eh bru aku perasanlah. hanya aku, milo dn mai je dri klas 2rk1 yg msuk ke 3A1 -,- oh oke. bru ak perasan thun ni hahahah !

smbg crita.. masa kami skelas tu, nk kata rpt sgt dgn si Amaal ni em tk sgt kot. ak lebih selesa dgn Jia dan Esah thun lps sbb esah lawak dan Jia happy go lucky.. amaal ni emm. emm nk ckp apa eh? dia ni sometime nmpk mcm sombg, tp kdg2 nmpk mcm ok. haha jgn amek ati. ni tggapan aku dulu :3

ha pastu kitaorg amek first test. ujian Mac ^^ then, aku dpt rasa amaal ni mcm twins dgn aku sejak mrkh KH ktaorg sma :3
just both of us dpt A dlm KH time tu. then, nsib kteorg sntiasa sama thu tak!?!?
pena thun lepas aku smbg jap dgn amaal , membincangkan nasib kami..then kami perasan, byk bnda yg em tah la mungkin kebetulan atau Allah sengaja nk nasib kami sama sbb nk merapatkan hubungan kami :')

apa bnda yg sama ? ha mula2 aku perasan tu mrkh KH kitaorg ,. then smbg punya smbg. rupanya2 mrkh final exam masa form 2 kitaorg pun sma. eheh tk yah bgtaw ah brp. dulu i x pndai sgt :3 HHAHAH !
*cakap mcm skrg pndai je en -.-
pastu, prgai kteorg sma. HABIT pun sma. suka bnda yg sma. except one thing! she likes SNSD, but i'm not @_@ aaaghhaha !

and oh yeah last year amaal dgn mai rpt sbb dua2 suka snsd -,-
aku dgn amaal mula rpt sikit sjk last year lah sbb kmi serius bila study haha ! lawak pulk sbut "serius bila study" -,- tp mmg btul pun, aku dn amaal akn duduk sma2 wktu sc. kteorg ulas2 sndiri psl sc bila x phm. dia x phm, saya ajr, saya x phm , dia ajr.. ntah knpa ak tiba2 rsa selesa dgn amaal ni -_-

then, bila PMR dh nk dkt, aku dgn amaal brtmbh rpt~ kat pesbuk pun bole la. cuma psl post2 status ni, dia menggila dgn cik esah je la haha! pena skali dua je dia menggila dgn sya. mungkin dulu saya ini membosankan -,- hahah! sbb tis year, post2 gila tu suma aku dh join skali haha! seronok lah jugk :3
then, bila dh abeh pmr, aku buat cuti aku sndiri slama 2 minggu WHAHAHAHA! org lain sbuk habeskan msa dgn rkn2 di sek, ak sebok mghabiskn msa aku di rumah dgn korea korea korea dan korea. hahaha! mmg seronok gila kehidupn selps pmr ~ then, msa dpt result. org lain punya result kami dh thu.. ak duk rpt dgn amaal dlm dewan. pgg tgn dia hahah! mai tkde time tu,. so aku n milo duk ngn amaal, aien, n jia. esah ad ke x eh? ak x igt~

pastu, bila nk amek result kat guru klas, rmai gila budk2. serabut aku. bole pengsan kat situ aku rsa sbb xcukop oksigen -,- then, em sape tah sbut alya kau dpt **A**B~
haha tak yah thu la.. tak bagus sgt, tak truk sgt -_-
tp dh cukup buat aku :) aku redha ^^ tgok2 si Amaal ni pun sebok nk ikot result aku -,-
menci ! hahahaha

so sejak dri hritu, kitaorg slowly mkin rpt dn rpt.. hya krna kebetuln atau mmg takdir nsib kami kbykkn nya sma.. i think both of us have a strong chemistry. CEH Puih ! ahahahah !
then, tis year, kami sekels lgi. mcm BIASA~
hahaha! thun 2011 dia inbox sya nk duk sblh sya tp thun 2012 dh upgrade skit. dia text wa kat fon nk duk sblh sya. ayat yg sma juga hahaha!

aku pn kata ok je.. aku tahu Mai dh x sma sek dgn aku :( so x dpt nk duk dgn dia. dn milo, sekelas dgn ak..
then bila amaal text like that, aku okay je. hehe aku bole duk ngn amaal n milo sekali ^^ n we did it :)
alhamdulillah so far friendship aku dgn amaal btmbh baik. even kdg2 tu aku SENTAP lah jugk sebab dia ni emm kdg2 mudah taching hahaha! so far thun ni, pena 2-3 kali dia merajuk dgn aku. tp aku dh pndai haha. aku wat dunno je sbb jia pna ckp kat aku, "bia je kalo amaal merajuk, dia x merajuk lama.. nti dia baik sndiri~"
well amaal, wa tabik lu.. lu bole rawat hati lu sndiri. tnpa pujukan hahaha! *tak kuase aku nk pujuk kau :P
hahahah ! tapi, tempoh msa dia mrajuk tu xd lah lama.. :) kalau lama, ak pun x tahan! terseksa taw bila kawan yg kita sayang taching dgn kita. amaal, jgn taching2 sgt dgn ak lps ni. dh la si Naqi mudh taching dgn aku~ hahaha! kau jgn join da club sma naaa ~.~

okayy tu lah kisah perkenalan kita, dear amaal :D

today, 16 February 2013.
she ask me for a gift. aiyaa saya x kaya mcm soong joong ki la nak bg awk hadiah kereta ~
hahaha! so, i hope this post dpt happykan hati kau sikit, lele :)
the true gift, emm tgok bajet ya ? nk bgi brang snsd, aku tkot nk pgi time square ~ ahahhah!


and em, ni wa mahu post gmbr2 wa dgn amaal with the others crazy friends :)

 she's in the blue uniform wif Jia n Miyol :) 

 yeah, tis is our class tis year . 4SC2 :D

 lele with my 'aweks' - mak jemah ^^

 kak yong with the 'taching girl' XD

 Lele, ainin (mai's sista), and mai beloved chingu :D

i miss 3A1 ;') 
lele, yiyi post benda ni with lot of love :) 
sorry lah lmbt sikit post. 
and i hope you enjoy and like it ^_^
ilebyou ~ hahahah!

okaylah. tu je. act byk lgi gmbr,.. malaslah alya nk upload byk2 hahaha! rsanya dh byk dh ni. msti penat en korg baca ? sorry. and again amaal, sannah helwah sayang :)
all the best~ hope you n I sama2 bole carry subjek form 4 ni and our friendship will always treasure well, InsyaAllah :) even kita byk gaduh2 manja.. aku byk spam kau~ kau kenakan aku , aku kenakan kau..ha mcm animation ni :

 kau ttp syg aku, kan? betul x ? alaaa..  ngaku je~ hhaha . i know it :p ^^

ok DAH! aku dah sakit leher ~ hahah!  aku nk sambung buat HW aku :3 
lusa dh sekolah, ahh.. okay semua bye. and oh ya, tgok tingkap semua org ^^
mendung tak ? sejuk kan? tgok jam pukul brapa ? now it's already 2.26 PM ^^ tp mendung dn sejuk je kat sini. korang2 saya tk thu. arap sama jugak ^^ well, amaal feel blessed sbb today is here bday :) hari yg sejuk on ur bday. ouch~ ^^ okay bye utk kali ke10 -,- 

eh belum, nk pesan, kpoper2 sekalian, sudahkah anda tonton GDA at One Hd ? BELOM !?! hey, bukak 393 skarg ! sekarang !! haha kbye~ do HW bertemankan GDA ^^ tata ~


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